Personalised Video On Demand

MatchVision revolutionises the way video is accessed, used & consumed

Your Fans Driving Your Content

We liken our personalised highlights service as ‘giving each of your fans their own remote control’. Each and every fan can become the director of their own video highlights, with them choosing the content that they want to see when they want to see it. Unlike our competitors, we don’t ‘push’ content out to the consumer, instead we have revolutionised the fan experience by allowing them to drive the content, creating true video on demand in the form of unique personalised highlights.

Swanbay MatchVision enables individual users to define, on a granular basis, exactly what they want to watch, when they want to watch it. This will shape the usage and commercial landscapes in post event sporting footage distribution. MatchVision provides a digital service to its customers which is unique, exciting and not available anywhere else in the world.

MatchVision brings together data sources & video with the use of multiple technologies, including AI, video enrichment, virtualisation and metadata, into one service, is first-to-market in the sports space and is a truly personalised, video on demand, sports media service that’s affordable, easy to implement on your current platform and is accessible to all consumers.

Features of MatchVision

  • Functionally rich, unique sports highlight service creating true Video on Demand
  • Your fans driving their sporting highlights giving true content personalisation
  • Designed to drive genuine fan engagement and increased dwell times offering users truly personalized video highlights.
  • Enrichment of the fan experience at a granular level
  • A plug & play service, which is simple to integrate onto your current platform, website or app.
  • Permanently tags sports actions by event & generates clips of any action combination
  • Enables Maximisation of Digital revenues and creates new revenue stream opportunities
  • Each event is instantly discoverable
  • Turns archives into active video
  • Available on 100% of devices
  • Superb sponsorship & commercial opportunities
  • Unique intelligent tech stack, using AI, virtualisation & metatags to identify each action
  • Cost-effective implementation with a range of commercial models
  • Hosted & delivered
  • Dynamic fan analytics highly targeted